Coloring Pocketbooks for Self-Care

Presence through Breath

Focus through Coloring

Self-love through Affirmations

"a candid journey into meditation"
"a superb visual aid for mindful living"
"a precious way to connect with the self"
"a portable blessing space"
Indie Publishing House
Millennial Woman-owned
Supporting Forest Protection

As Featured On

Simple guided coloring meditation workbooks

Bring presence within yourself

Any time and anywhere


Find your presence in the moment

Art Therapy

Engage in an interactive experience

Active Stillness

Bridge stilness with active meditation

Inner Strength

Find and build your strength within


Endorsed by practitioners


No need for any disturbing devices

Choose Your Meditation

Invite your inner-child into mindfulness


Breathe Attentively, Breathe Consciously, Breathe In The Present. Easy Breathwork Workbooks.

Positive Affirmations

Powerful Daily Affirmations To Embrace The Best Of You, Everyday.

Yoga Mantras

Embody Your Mantra Through The Use Of Samadhi and Breath.

Featured Amazon Reviews

Rachel Lee
Rachel Lee
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Returning to my breath has been like returning to my body

Chances had that I was going to somehow find this book. During a yoga retreat last year I learned about the power of breathwork. Returning to my breath with the help of visual aids is what I needed for my busy busy head as it forced me like a child to color my breath and be with it, so I could feel how it expanded my body to its presence, so I could return to that wisdom that I had lost.
Bridget Holmes
Bridget Holmes
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Thumbs up

Obviously I like to be there for myself but this doesn’t come easy.

Sometimes it has felt silly, sometimes awkward and sometimes like a call. I really don’t know how it works, but there is something really deep that happens when you start to bless yourself.

Thumbs up for this book, is simple enough for me to use.
Sarah Bickerton
Sarah Bickerton
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Great content, simple and authentic

I was first intrigued with the coloring method when I heard about coloring and its effects on mind and body.

I enjoyed the practice of coloring and found the exercises super fun and simple and the journal section key to understanding to what I was going through. I give this book five stars. tip: try to use a specific color for a specific intention, it is quiet soothing to the eye and to the heart 🙂
Indie Publishing House
Millennial Woman-owned
Supporting Forest Protection

Explore Scientific Research

Find out more on the science of mindfulness and positive psychology through the research centers and scientific journals linked below.

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Find out more on the science of mindfulness and positive psychology through the research centers and scientific journals linked below.

TOPIC Download PDF
The Power of Meditation
The Power of Breathwork
The Power of Positive Affirmations
The Power of Coloring

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Invite Your Inner Child into Mindfulness

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