There is something very light and explorative about coloring, coloring flows like a good dance or a good talk with a friend. Coloring can uphold you through the hard times and can accompany you through the good times. In this way, coloring is an ally and soul medicine that can only expect for you to be happy. Coloring understands because it likes to listen. Coloring likes to be there for what you have to say, it applauds every doodle, it validates every stick figure and it feels every color combination, the same way the brown vibrates with emerald green or the way that turquoise palpitates with red.
Coloring likes to be there for what you have to say, it applauds every doodle, it validates every stick figure and it feels every color combination
With it, you can be transported anywhere, to any magical land within, to any forest of the subconscious or any dreamy cottage with tea, biscuits, and hot chocolate. Coloring is an optimum medium to let your subconscious speak gently, always gently, as it is the subconscious favorite way of speaking.
Coloring is an optimum medium to let your subconscious speak
Coloring creates a safe space to confide, through a medium older than words, through a medium where the inner child feels at home. Coloring is simple expressive, easy, engaging, and nurturing. Coloring will always be there for you, like a soft pillow waiting to hold you whenever you need its soft, gentle and validating space. Color + Meditate through Loving-Kindness Meditations, Breathwork, Affirmations, and Yogic Mantras. Explore the Workbooks from the Coloring Method.